I think it was at the end of last summer that I came to this conclusion....now,this is merely my own opinion, and in no way or form am I trying to push my beliefs upon anyone....
As I sat down one day reflecting on that summer, that year, all my travels and experiences, I realized that it is not our lives that are predetermined, those in fact we are in control of. It is the people that walk into our lives that are destined, and there for a specific reason or lesson. No matter how brief the encounter, or how minimal the conversation is, they are there on a secret unknown mission. It is up to us whether we want to acknowledge their teachings, and it is up to us whether we want to apply those teachings to further ourselves along in the creation of our own destiny. When you think of that old flame who broke your heart, that co-worker that walked all over you, or that wise ol'woman behind the counter of your favourite cafe...they all came into your life at a certain time, for a specific reason. And if you open your eyes the next time you meet someone, perhaps you'll see what lesson it was that you were meant to share. :)