Wednesday, May 12, 2010

....Not such a "Big" city afterall.

In theory, this city is so big! We're talking millions of people that live in Toronto. Just when you think, you'll never see certain people again, or randomly bump into people from the happens. It happens, probably more often than when I'm visiting my modest, rural hometown. It usually happens during very awkward or uncomfortable moments...

  1. While mid-bite at an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant.

  2. Sliding up against them while on a greasy, sweat-infused dancefloor.

  3. Exchanging big, purple stained, teethy smiles at a wine bar.

  4. Watching one another at an amateur comedy night.

  5. Or seated next to eachother waiting to see a doctor at a walk-in health clinic.

But, I suppose the probability of these encounters are actually greater than you think. I mean, if these people you are running into are old friends or relations, than the common ground is there. Obviously you connected at one time, so it shouldn't be such a shock when you run into them at an amateur comedy hour if you both shared the love of watching painfully, ridiculously, average comedians nose-dive in a room where they have spit out the same jokes to the point you, yourself could recite'em back to them.

Really, any of the examples I listed earlier could be taken into consideration. Well, except for the walk-in clinic; that would definately be a coincidence. Unless you both shared a case of the "clumsy's." :)

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