Monday, February 22, 2010

BEST Birthday/Reading Week Ever!!

Here is how a week of super late nights, GO train travel, dancing, chocolate, wine, work, 3-day birthday celebration, tequila and jazz have left me at the end of the week. I am currently immobile with a seized lower back, exhausted....but don't let that pouty lip fool you! I had the BEST week! Thanks to all who contributed to this mess :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Long nights, No patience= Cabbies!

As much as I hate to share this, especially if my mother is checking up on me, but recently I've been indulging in the fine and quick services of the taxi cab companies of Toronto. Lazy, sure. Lack of patience for the streetcar, indeed. But I think now, I've actually come to the realization that I just enjoy the company of the cab driver. I have been blessed to have some of the nicest, funniest, and deep thinking cabbies.

After impromptu motown with Rae on thursday night we grabbed a cab and he played Sam Cooke for me all the way home! Him and I were both singing out loud, boppin' was amazing!

The other night after work at 3:30am (which is when I usually take a cab home, because the clientele on the Queen streetcar at that hour isn't the classiest or cleanest) I had a cabbie who, without even being asked a question, decided to burst out and break down what a good relationship is, how I should never settle, the key elements to a lasting of course at this point I ask how long he's been with his girlfriend, to which I receive a response of, "Girlfriend?! Shit no, I'm way too smart to be tied down by some crazy woman!." end of quote.

I had another cab driver a few weeks ago who seemed very anti-social, had a furrow brow, and didn't say a word. Until about 15 minutes in, and three blocks away from my house when he abruptly broke the silence with an earth shattering belly laugh followed by why he loves Valentine's Day and all the wild women, escapades and memories he has taken from that day. He told me this in a very non-creepy manner, don't be too concerned. He turned out to be the jolliest of men!

It just goes to show, Amanda Marshall was right....everybody DOES have a story! But I suppose I could meet new people for free and swap stories , rather than pay $40 for a cab to hear them. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Girl Wants to Party All the Time

For those of you who have not had your hearts touched by one of the greatest collaborations of all time...well, shame on you. Rick James and Eddie Murphy- Party All the Time. What could be more amazing...yet, delightfully pathetic? Actually, Eddie Murphy and Michael Jackson- What's Up with You. This little diddy of a video was just introduced to me the other day (kudos Andy). I now have a whole new appreciation for the experimentation of creating a music video. If these don't make you smile, I don't know what will :) note: the hand clapping, snapping, high pitch vocals, and enthusiasm from Rick. note: the lack of connecting factors with the chorus to each verse also the aggressive mouth covering at the very end of the video by Eddie.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mo' Motown Please!

Late last summer, while I came up to the city to visit Julie one weekend, we stumbled upon a special event that has since left me with a fever; a fever for Motown!

I'm sure most of you have either heard me rave about it, felt my excitement through Facebook updates, or have actually braved the dance floor of Sneaky Dee's alongside me for this one evening. It has to be said, that Shadows of Motown is my current 'bread n butter' of life. The anticipation of finally receiving the date for this once a month sensation just about kills me. I find myself constantly flipping through the pages of NOW magazine and the Eye Weekly, as well checking their website every other day in hopes that they will have announced the next date so that I can make sure I book this night off work.

"Is it worth the loss of money?", I'm sure you re asking yourselves right now. My only reply to this ridiculous question is "HELL YES!".

Something happens to people on the dance floor when Motown is played. It's as if you re in costume, you can do anything or be anyone you want to be without the fear of looking like a fool. The bigger the movements, the wilder the outfits, the sweatier you are.....the better!

A lot of people question what Motown is? They seem unsure if they've ever even heard a Motown song. Motown is all that great soul and R n'B from the late 60s and 70s. Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, The Temptations...the list goes on.

I could talk about this special night, and special genre of music for hours. But what I am trying to say within this ramble is, if you're looking to let loose, shake those hips, and for one night travel back to a time when music was original, and felt in the need to check up on Shadows of Motown at Sneaky Dee's, Toronto. Make sure you look for me, I'll be the one on stage, with a bottle of Mill St. in hand doing the "mashed potato". :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

An Apology

I would just like to apologize to a certain someone... When we first met a few years back, I was very hesitant, and two-faced towards you...I mean, I barely even knew you. And although we have become the best of friends, the guilt lives on inside me. Avocado, my darling Avo, you mean the world to me and I hope we can now move on, and fully relish in your smooth, buttery charm.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Sounds of the English Language

Everyone has a word or words that just make then cringe. So much so, that they find it even hard to utter the word out loud.
I've gone through a few stages, with a few certain words....but I'd love to hear yours too! So we can bask in the pure disgust of the English language together :)

Words Tess Does Not Feel Comfortable Hearing/Saying:

Gnurble- the fatty part of the ham
Dink- Ugh...i HATE this word the most! So prepubescent and awkward.
Booby- again, for the same reason.
Moist- Now, I'm not disgusted with this word, but I just think it sounds funny. But it is fun to say!
Chagrin ( pronounced "sh")-This word was recently brought to my attention in class. I had no idea how to spell it or what it meant. But I was determined to use it in a sentence this week...To her chagrin, the party had ended as she arrived." :)

Words Tess Really Enjoys Hearing/Saying:

Giggle- I like to use it as much as possible. It's just fun and cute and instantly lights up any room.
Poop- I dunno why...but I'm chuckling right now just typing it.
Love- For the obvious reasons...the meaning, and all that falls into the word.
Hannah-Although, more of a name rather than a word. But you can spell it both frontwards and backwards!
Onomatopoeia-It just sounds funny :) e.g-"sizzle"-The word sounds like sound it makes!

I've told you mine, now tell me yours :)

Little Kid Therapy

You know those days when nothing seems to be going right and you have your back up over something so insignificant,and so meaningless? But then, all of a sudden life throws you a lifesaver, a random something or someone who instantly calms you down and makes you realize there was no reason to stress out and overreact.

A couple of months ago I was taking the Queen streetcar back home after getting denied an account at an indie movie store all the way over on Church ( and no, it wasn't a gay porn video store). I was so irritated, I had traveled all that way after a long day of classes, and I hadn't eaten dinner and you all know what happens when my blood sugar levels drop ;) It was 8 p.m. So there I sat, sour faced, and hungry staring blankly out the window when a little hand reached out from the seat in front of me. It was this beautiful little girl , no older that 4 years,with olive skin, and golden brown tendrils. She just looked at me with the biggest smile and giggled! The best giggle I've ever heard, besides my sister Sydnay's when she was that age. It was so out of control and genuine, I couldn't help but start to giggle with her. There the two of us sat, crammed in the middle of a packed streetcar feeding off each others' laughter, even her mother eventually joined in. It was that moment that I realized my problems, were not problems.

Even now when I feel like my world might cave in, I sometimes think back to that little girl; her innocence, and joy, and I instantly feel thankful. If getting rejected by a snooty "queen "at a video store is the worst thing that happens to me in a day....I think I'll survive. :)

Thinking Out Loud

Well, here I go...I've finally created a blog! After too many lacklustre evenings alone, reading the blogs of friends and family, I've decided that I too will share the random thoughts of my day for all to read...that is, if anyone is curious to the inner stirrings that take place within my mind. Those that know me well, and have the pleasure of seeing me on a day to day basis, know just how random and bizarre my thought process can be. Abrupt, candid, and often inappropriate, I feel if my quirkiness can somehow bring a smile to one's face, I've done something right....even if they may be laughing AT me rather than WITH me. You need to have a little humility to have some sanity.

I will attempt to keep this blog up to date and share with you my ideas, raves, pictures, music, and people....basically all the things that make me smile. There are so many moments in a day that can take you from a perfectly good mood to a sour bitch mood ( pardon my french) at the drop of a hat. I want this blog to be a reminder that although it takes no time at all for your day to turn "sour" , it takes just as little time for it to taste "sweet" again.