Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Sounds of the English Language

Everyone has a word or words that just make then cringe. So much so, that they find it even hard to utter the word out loud.
I've gone through a few stages, with a few certain words....but I'd love to hear yours too! So we can bask in the pure disgust of the English language together :)

Words Tess Does Not Feel Comfortable Hearing/Saying:

Gnurble- the fatty part of the ham
Dink- Ugh...i HATE this word the most! So prepubescent and awkward.
Booby- again, for the same reason.
Moist- Now, I'm not disgusted with this word, but I just think it sounds funny. But it is fun to say!
Chagrin ( pronounced "sh")-This word was recently brought to my attention in class. I had no idea how to spell it or what it meant. But I was determined to use it in a sentence this week...To her chagrin, the party had ended as she arrived." :)

Words Tess Really Enjoys Hearing/Saying:

Giggle- I like to use it as much as possible. It's just fun and cute and instantly lights up any room.
Poop- I dunno why...but I'm chuckling right now just typing it.
Love- For the obvious reasons...the meaning, and all that falls into the word.
Hannah-Although, more of a name rather than a word. But you can spell it both frontwards and backwards!
Onomatopoeia-It just sounds funny :) e.g-"sizzle"-The word sounds like sound it makes!

I've told you mine, now tell me yours :)

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