Thursday, February 11, 2010

Little Kid Therapy

You know those days when nothing seems to be going right and you have your back up over something so insignificant,and so meaningless? But then, all of a sudden life throws you a lifesaver, a random something or someone who instantly calms you down and makes you realize there was no reason to stress out and overreact.

A couple of months ago I was taking the Queen streetcar back home after getting denied an account at an indie movie store all the way over on Church ( and no, it wasn't a gay porn video store). I was so irritated, I had traveled all that way after a long day of classes, and I hadn't eaten dinner and you all know what happens when my blood sugar levels drop ;) It was 8 p.m. So there I sat, sour faced, and hungry staring blankly out the window when a little hand reached out from the seat in front of me. It was this beautiful little girl , no older that 4 years,with olive skin, and golden brown tendrils. She just looked at me with the biggest smile and giggled! The best giggle I've ever heard, besides my sister Sydnay's when she was that age. It was so out of control and genuine, I couldn't help but start to giggle with her. There the two of us sat, crammed in the middle of a packed streetcar feeding off each others' laughter, even her mother eventually joined in. It was that moment that I realized my problems, were not problems.

Even now when I feel like my world might cave in, I sometimes think back to that little girl; her innocence, and joy, and I instantly feel thankful. If getting rejected by a snooty "queen "at a video store is the worst thing that happens to me in a day....I think I'll survive. :)

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